Manolete y Lupe <3 |
Why is it that tragic love stories are so irresistible? Maybe it is because they make you feel something deeper. When it comes to the love story of the legendary Spanish matador Manolete (Manuel Laureano Rodríguez Sánchez) and his servant-turned-filmstar lover, Lupe Sino, I just can't get enough. There is something so magnetic about their tale of passion and Manolete's other mistress, Death. In fact, in bullfighting it is said that you have to be a little bit in love with death...
Religious art never fails to inspire me... |
I adore Lana <3 |
I've always had a flair for the dramatic and even though I find myself in the throes of summer and face-melting triple digit weather - I can't wait to invest in a beautiful vintage mantilla comb and cathedral length black lace veil. Along with being deeply inspired by Spanish traditional dress, I also adore Diane Pernet, who never leaves the house without a black veil! A woman after my own heart. The older I get, the more I realize that being a sex symbol is not my priority - I value eccentric glamour more than anything.
Food for thought! |
I don't know about you, but I truly love to capture the vision of who I want to be on paper. I hadn't sketched for some time, so I poured myself a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon, grabbed my sketching pad, sharpened my pencil, and just began putting down what came to me. I didn't have watercolors, so I figured a little wine couldn't hurt to give her a blush of color. I am pretty pleased with the end result! I present to you, my dear Lupe <3
Thank you, Mr. Cab Sav ;) |
I know its blurry, but I liked the ethereal effect :) |
Favorite things! |
Comrade Von Pussycat