Hello dear readers!
Forgive my absence, I have been busy moving into our new apartment, unpacking, trying to make sense of all the mess, cooking, working, and doing all sorts of other mundane daily chores! Sometimes I really do feel that I lack a daily dose of glamour, and as frivolous as it may sound to some, I sincerely believe that in order to take care of others, one must first take care of oneself. With all of life spinning around me (and my birthday quickly approaching...8 days, yikes!), I decided to indulge in a few goodies to keep my day to day routine slightly more glamourous and keep me from feeling like a slob, especially when I am just staying at home! The first thing I bought is this gorgeous merlot satin dressing gown from the 1940's...which will hopefully make it nearly impossible to look like a frumpy housewife!
Please forgive the photo, I still haven't received it in the mail! |
The next item I decided that I needed, was a proper fitting brassiere. In the past few months I have gained a few pounds, as I decided I would rather have more flesh than less, and therefore, nothing fits! Pretty lingerie has always been one of my greatest obsessions (my first job was at Victoria's Secret!), and so I bit the bullet (haha I love a good pun!), and ordered the Secrets in Lace Bullet Bra in Red:
Hopefully this will work, and I won't poke anyone's eye out, cross your fingers...
Finally, since I somehow lost my MAC Ruby Woo *sad face* I decided to take the plunge and order the lipstick that I have been hearing rave reviews about for at least 6 months...drum roll please...Lime Crime's Velvetines in Red Velvet! I decided that for work, I definitely needed something that could wear evenly throughout the day, and since the Maybelline 24 hour lipstick I tried a few months ago flaked off horribly, I decided to invest in a better quality liquid lipstick. I really hope it is true to its reputation!
That is all for now, I promise to post reviews when I finally receive the goodies in the mail! Have a wonderful weekend, and keep it vintage!
Comrade Von Pussycat